Prior to award of contract, a pre contract meeting is held with Contractors /Client, where the tender
submission by VISUAL BEYOND INTERIORS are discussed in detail, all scope of work is clearly defined,
preliminaries are qualified and agreed , and any ambiguities/gray area are stored out.
The contract documents are checked against the successful offer made by Visual beyond interiors and
once verified as correct, the relevant documents are signed as required by contractors/Clint
The complete pre-qualification including the quality plan for VISUAL BEYOND INTERIORS the detail
method of statement for execution of the project and safety requirements is submitted as required.
Material sample will be submitted by VISUAL BEYOND INTERIOR using the prescribed Contractors/Client
material submission form as per the Material submittal schedule in accordance with the specification list.
Based on the instruction from Contractors /Client which will clearly demarcate the scope of the mock up
and the area where it is to be erected. VISUAL BEYOND INTERIORS will submit the shop drawing for the
mock up as per the approved drawing submittal procedure
On receipt of requisite proceed for installation by Contractors/Client KEY CONTRACTS will erect the mock
up utilizing the approved materials as per the specified furnishes and Contractors /Client will invite the
Contractors /Consultant for review and comments.
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Based on the contract program received from Contractors/Client. VISUAL BEYOND INTERIORs will prepare
and submit a contract program identifying the following:
1. Shipment of material from manufacturer
2. Delivery period to site
3. Installation sequence on site
Based on the tender drawing and / or other relevant drawing received from Contractors/Client, VISUAL
BEYOND INTERIORS commences on the process of generating shop drawing which detail the following:-
Fixing details
Finishing details
The drawing also takes into consideration existing site conditions and a detailed site survey is conducted
to incorporate exact as built civil construction dimension. Any unclear information is raised on technical
quarry sheet (TSQ) and Contractors/Client will ensure clarification to VISUAL BEYOND INTERIORS in the
approval format.
These drawing are submitted to Contractors/Client in 4 sets based on Visual Beyond Interiors Drawing
submittal program, which is in turn based on Contractors/Client overall program of works
The drawings are submitted to Contractors/Client in the prescribed format, for onward transmittal to the
If the shop drawing submitted by VISUAL BEYOND INTERIORS found acceptable. Contractors /Client will
return the drawing to VBI with the stamp ‘APPROVED’ by the consultant and VISUAL BEYOND
INTERIORS will proceed to release the drawing for installation site.
If minor changes are required in the submitted drawing by the concerned authority, the drawings are
returned to VISUAL BEYOND INTERIORS with the stamp ‘APPROVED WITH COMMENTS’ and subsequently
released to the site for installation.
If major changes are required, the drawing is returned to VISUAL BEYOND INTERIORS with ‘REVISE AND
RESUBMIT’ and if the drawing is un acceptable, the stamp ‘NOT APPROVED’ will be used, VISUAL BEYOND
INTERIORS will modify drawing accordingly and resubmit drawings, clearly showing the revision number
and proceed for approval.